- Balloons (3 puxika, txikienak puxika batekin saiatu daitezke)
Activity description:
Push or throw three balloons into the air.
Using any part of your body, keep the balloons from touching the floor.
All three balloons must remain in play for the full minute to win the game.
If a balloon pops or touches the floor, the game is over.
(Minutu batean,3 puxika airean mantendu behar dituzu. Gorputzeko edozein atal erabili dezakezu tokeak emateko baina puxikaren batek lurra ukitzen badu jolasa bukatu da.)
Record the challenge, submit the video recording to sareak@goizekoizarra.eus and we will publish it on our facebook.
(Erronkaren bideoa grabatu, bidali sareak@goizekoizarra.eus -era eta facebookean argitaratuko dugu.)
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